Center Guests
It’s been a busy month, I guess that is just a given these days. We had an average of 15 people spending the night, 14 using the center during the day. We saw 20 new people, 2 declined to give information so they are not in the official count, 2 we were able to help get back to California, the others have been coming and going, using the shelter occasionally. We have made 2 solid referrals to Spectrum (solid being they are checking in with me on progress) which we don’t always know about.
Rain and Meals
The rain has been well, the rain. It is always interesting to me how many people will stay out in it rather than come down and sign up to stay. Of course, school is back in session which I am very glad for, it means leftovers for the center! That is truly a relief since my culinary skills have been overused these past few months with occasional relief (from Carol and Laura K). It has been taxing and I hope at some point we will hire someone that is willing to help on that front.
Out on the Town
Carol and I went to an ACF luncheon in July. ACF cannot always fund an entire project and the grant that was written was for shelter food, breakfast specifically since we are open all the extra days that we have not been in the past. Since they were only able to fund $4,000, they put us in a category called “worthy projects” and if they feel so inclined, other funders can donate to the cause of their choice. I had been previously notified that we had a worthy cause funder that gave us another $4,000 but at the luncheon we received another $2,000 from an additional worthy cause funder for a total of $10,000 from the grant written for ACF Yavapai. At our table that day we sat with Jeremy who is the current CEO of Bread of Life in Camp Verde. We shared information and through the conversation he offered us a commercial refrigerator that they have no use for. What a pleasant person and such a great organization. I also spoke with a woman from Hope Women’s Center, formerly Abide in Camp Verde. Hope has been helping women in the Phoenix area for 38 years. They recently expanded into Northern Arizona. They offer a maternity home, mentoring, educational programs, support groups, etc. They have a day center as well as their other services. It was a great connection to make, and I am sure we will be working with them in the future.
Rhonda Bishop